Tunisia was the World Muslim Fatma

Muslim women in Indonesia with the World Muslimah Award competition, won the Miss World crown in Tunisia young Fatma Ben guyephraca. Of Muslim women in the 18 finalist in the competition to go beyond them into the 5-year-old computer scientist. Fatma was awarded a gold watch, gold dinnerware set and a small portrait of the shrine. Tiunisiyana exuberant young Fatma said, with the assistance of God, I am so far. I asked for an independent Palestinian state and the Syrian people. 18 finalists were young computer scientists and professionals such as doctors. 18 and 7 years old at the competition was open to women. According to the rules of competition for all competitors head scarf. Just look at the best beauty secret judges did not select or elegance. How accurately they can recite from the Quran is the test. The Princess and the modern world in circumference criteria of their acquaintance. Miss World competition in the West as a protest to the women wearing bikinis are taken at the competition. Jameyaha sheriff said one of the organizers, we wanted to see how much you know about the Islamic way of life. Wanted to know what they eat, and how, after the walk.



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