Get to know the subject of condom use

This is because one of the two to use contraception, unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease prevention to protect. The condom is the most effective insulation. Most of the time, and there is a physical relationship, what's more I have to learn.

But when it comes to the issue of condoms, and a wide variety of issues come up mistakes. Because many unknown reason this contraceptive may not work properly.

A website on health, rubber, insulation, the use of the mistakes are highlighted.

Long-time unused

Left out of the closet or bag may not be safe to use condoms.

US Indiana University Center for Sexual Health Promotion Center Associate Director and Professor Debbie harbanika (Ph D) said, "If you're out of the condom to see your partner's wallet, but it dropped to the new. Stay at home or have a condom because wallet unwanted rub and hot temperatures may lose effectiveness of condoms. "

Report to the place

Condoms at the front of the room is extra. Out of the body where the 'fluid' is submitted. The more you put in tight condoms during mating may leak or rupture could be.

Harbanika advised to protect themselves from the accident, "the pointed part of the hold, then wear condoms. It likely will not stay stuck in the air, and the truth will be wearing firmly. "

Wrong size

"Most kanadamai that is the right size for men. But again, no bigger than a man's genitals may be small. They can be noticed that the size will be used properly. If more slack because condoms can be opened during mating. If the burst may be more pressing. "Harbanika said.

Wearing late

Many people do not use condoms during the first mating. They are simply the end of the stage, not the end. Unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases due to this error decreases the likelihood of survival, says harbanika.

A recent survey of the physical security of the twins use both condoms and the pill, 59 percent of them use condoms properly. The rest is either too late or wear before.

So harbanikera advice, if you want full protection from beginning to end, but the beginning of intercourse, the use of condoms.


Like all products in kanadamerao term. Depending on the brand, it is a term of the different types. Longer term, but it will be fine, it is not Tao.

Harbanika said, "to use condom lubricants sparamisaida factors. Which are too hot or cold can be broken. Even in the case of condoms can be bought from the store. "So as much as possible using a new condom stay safe.

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