Bollywood actress Shruti Hassan is considering legal actions against certain website which released her obscene pictures taken during the shooting of 'Dimple Pimple' song from her upcoming Telugu movie Yevadu, reports Bangalore Mirror.
Shruti, who is basking in the huge success of her recent release Race Gurram, is very upset with the person who allegedly leaked the photos shot from awkward angles during a dance shoot.
"Some of those pictures are shot from ugly angles during the dance shoot and they are not meant to be published. They should be pre-approved either by me or by production house," said the actress.
"The guys who leaked those pictures have back-stabbed my trust. They have to take the responsibility and blame. Such distasteful working stills should not be released to press as they will surely damage the reputation of a heroine," the actress who has already sported bikinis and corsets earlier, added.
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