Out of the death, horror, terror and near total lack of anything and everything that aids civilized modern living that literally sums up life in the Swat Valley area of Northwestern Pakistan, yields a very ebullient and charming girl whose courage and will to live and do better for others have held the world captive and spellbound for quite some time now. The girl is also very articulate and listening to her interviews and comments as well as gauging her body gestures, Icheoku sees a girl destined for leadership somewhere down the road of her life. It is also apparent that the girl also received good education and that is equally commendable of Pakistani educational system. Malala Yousafzai is her name and she is only a teenager.

Icheoku says her story is atypical of a life-saving spring sprouting out of the hopelessness and despondency that has come to represent anything Islam and everything Muslim fundamentalism. The girl Malala has forced peoples of the world to now have a rethink of their opinion about Muslims and to stop lumping Muslims together as all TERRORISTS; at least Malala is not one. Malala is simply the best good news out of the Muslim world in recent times and Pakistan should mine her new celebrity status and designate her their country's Goodwill ambassador and a mirror into the world of Pakistan and Muslims in general. Malala Yousafzai, Icheoku says what a gift you are to your people and Icheoku sees a Benaizir Bhutto's replacement in your future, provided you elude and survive your worst threat - the TALIBANS. Goodluck.

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